Learn WordPress with Faizan.

The Power and Versatility of WordPress: A Platform for All
WordPress, often touted as the world’s most popular content management system (CMS), has transformed the way we build and manage websites. What began as a simple blogging platform has evolved into a versatile and robust tool used by individuals, businesses, and organizations of all sizes. In this post, we’ll explore why WordPress is the go-to choice for so many and why you should consider it for your website.

WordPress Gutenberg Blocks Using Server Side Rendering
To create a Gutenberg block to display all posts in WordPress, follow these steps: This code will register a new Gutenberg block with the name “My Post Block”. This code will define the block
WP List Table inside metabox tips & tricks
This blog will help WordPress developers to overcome the hurdles. That they will face while using WP List Table inside a metabox within a post/cpt. WPCS & WP List Table Being a big follower
What is Plugin Boiler Plate?A foundation for WordPress Plugin Development that aims to provide a clear and consistent guide for building your plugins. Every time I start working on a new plugin I find
WordPress Basic Terminologies 📃
This article will help beginners to get conformable with the terms used within the WordPress ecosystem. Some of these terminologies might seem known to you depending on your level of experience with WordPress, and
How does the web work?
The Web is a subset of the Internet. While the Internet makes up all communication between computers within any application, port, or protocol — the Web generally refers to networks of computers communicating over Hyper
React app embedded into WordPress page via short code
Goal: Create WordPress plugin which will inject React based web app\widget into normal WordPress page\post\sidebar using a short–code. Embedded react app useful when you need to create an complex fully interactive widget\app like a calculator