About me

Professional WP Plugin Developer

Hi , I am Muhammad Faizan 2018 undergraduate from Quaid-i-Azam University, Pakistan Islamabad (” Quaidian Once Quaidian Forever “).

a passionate self-learner  and a WordPress Engineer  ,
who is obsessed with development and always looking to find new solutions for plugins/themes to learn and develop.

I’m always open for cool interesting projects to build so feel free to contact me.

 About me ….

βœ” Callme: He/His or TeamWorker πŸ˜Š
βœ” I’m currently Developing a Gutenberg Block Plugin Html, CSS, React.js,Js & Php language
βœ” I’m currently learning about ReactπŸ₯°
βœ” An open source contributor. Please find my free plugin on wordpress.org Attendance Managment For LifterLMS
βœ” A continuous language translation contributor Translations
βœ” I’m looking to collaborate with any Open – WordPress Plugins Projects
βœ” Ask me anything you want, If I am there I will answer within seconds πŸ˜‰
βœ” Fun fact : I Always try to learn something new and don’t sleep untill it gets stored in my brain πŸ˜Ž

πŸ› οΈ My Skills

πŸ‘‰ Programming languages


πŸ‘‰ Frontend Development

πŸ‘‰ Databases & Cloud Hosting

GitHub Pages

   β€ƒ  β€ƒ  β€ƒ  β€ƒ 

πŸ‘‰ Software & Tools

Google Sheets
Visual Studio Code
Stack Overflow

   β€ƒ  β€ƒ  β€ƒ  β€ƒ  β€ƒ  β€ƒ

 Tools & technologies I use…

What technologies am I familiar with?

  • From a theoretical point of view I feel comfortable both with OOP and functional approaches.
  • For server side I primarily  use PHP, also have experience developing ASP.NET backend with C#.
    • Most of my current work is done with WordPress developing custom plugins and themes.
    • Among PHP frameworks I worked with Laravel and I definitely  like it.
    • Now I’m also digging into NodeJS using Express and Feathers frameworks.
  •  For complex and feature rich frontend development I like to use ReactJS,.
    • For WordPress themes and plugins without complex logic I use built in jQuery without a need of overhead of extra libraries.
    • also as of Angular 2 arrived with TypeScript I’m on a way of studying them too.
    • I’m comfortable with LESS\SASS and Gulp to build frontend.
  • I mostly work with Git.

I love:
– to create new things making their user’s life better and make them happier.
– to dive deep into business processes to understand them completely and to envision and accomplish best user experience for business processes automation.
– to discover new technologies and put them to work to get best results.

Please visit my social and business profiles to track me.

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